Small Business Profiles (SBP)

Mise en garde

Only the 1993-1995-1997 and 2000 editions are available for this product. It is possible to obtain similar data on CANSIM (subject= Business performance and ownership).


To use this product, the user must download files and proceed to the installation :

Installation procedure - 2000 edition
Installation procedure - 1997 edition
Installation procedure - 1993 and 1995 editions

Small Business Profiles are now available on SME Benchmarking Tool (Industry Canada).


This product (Statistics Canada Catalogue No. 61F0015XDB) presents selected revenue, expense, profit and balance sheet items as well as financial ratios and employment data on small business in Canada. The information is presented between 2 to 5 digits NAICS (North American Industry Classification System). Data for 2000 were release in November 2002.

Small businesses are defined as those having annual revenue between $30,000 and $5,000,000. The information is presented by 4- digit SIC (1980 Standard Industrial Classification). Data for 1997 were released in March 2000.


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Last modified : November 3, 2014