Financial Performance Indicators for Canadian Business (FPICB)
Statistics Canada is no longer producing the Financial Performance Indicators for Canadian Businesses [catalogues 61-224-XPB and 61C0030].
Information on specific financial ratios will continue to be available through the annual Financial and Taxation Statistics for Enterprises program: CANSIM table 180-0003; the Quarterly Survey of Financial Statements: CANSIM tables 187-0001 and 187-0002; and the Small Business Profiles, which present financial data for small businesses in Canada, available on Industry Canada’s website: Financial Performance Data.
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This product (Statistics Canada Catalogue No. 61-224-XCB) provides key financial ratios by industry. It is derived from Statistics Canada databases of financial statements. The indicators are designed to serve as financial performance benchmarks against which individual firms and industries can be compared.
Last modified : February 23, 2015