Census of Population: 2016 | 2011 | 2006 | 2001 | 1996 | 1991 | 1986 | 1981 | 1971 | 1961 | 1851-1991 | 1665-1871
National Household Survey: 2011
Geography Products: 2016 | 2011 | 2006 | 2001 | 1996 | 1991 | 1986 | 1981 | 1971
Geography Products -
2011 Census of Population
- Documentation related to 2011 Geography Products is gathered on the following page:
- 2011 Geography Product - Documentation
Spatial Information Products 1
- Boundary Files - Canada(ArcInfo and MapInfo)
- Population Ecumene Census Division Cartographic Boundary File (ArcInfo and MapInfo)
- Road Network File(Canada, Provinces and Territories)
- Census Division Cartographic Boundary Files - Agricultural Ecumene(ArcInfo and MapInfo)
- Postal codes conversion files
- Postal Code OM Conversion File (PCCF) - Reference Guide
Contact your librarian to access postal codes conversion files and Postal Codes by Federal ridings files.
- Postal Code OM Conversion File (PCCF) - Reference Guide
- Correspondence File (2011-2006 Census Tract)
- Correspondence Files (2011-2006 Dissemination Area and Dissemination Block)
- Geographic Attribute File 3
- GeoSuite 2011 (Statistics Canada Web site)
1 These products provide the shape and location of geographic features for computer mapping and applications of geographic information system.
2 Attribute information products include the Postal Code Conversion File, the Postal Codes by Federal Ridings File, GeoSuite, the Geographic Attribute File and Correspondence Files.
3 The Geographic Attribute File contains data at the dissemination block level, based on 2011 Census standard geographic areas. The data available include population counts, dwelling counts, and land area.
2 Attribute information products include the Postal Code Conversion File, the Postal Codes by Federal Ridings File, GeoSuite, the Geographic Attribute File and Correspondence Files.
3 The Geographic Attribute File contains data at the dissemination block level, based on 2011 Census standard geographic areas. The data available include population counts, dwelling counts, and land area.
Last modified : September 8, 2016