Census of Canada and National Household Survey


Access to census data from 1996 to 2011 (local pages).

Access to censuses data by the Canadian Census Analyser of University of Toronto (for University libraries members of CHASS)
  • 1991, 1996, 2001 and 2006 censuses
  • 1981 and 1986 censuses (Census divisions (CD), Census subdivision (CSD), Census Tract (CT), Enumeration Area (EA))
  • 1961 and 1971 censuses (Census Tract (CT))

Access to Census digitalized editions for years 1851 to 1991 on the Internet Archive website (Statistics Canada - Census).

Access to historical censuses (1665-1871) by the Maps, Data & Government Information Centre (MADGIC ) of Queen’s University.

Access to data from the National Household Survey (2011) which replaces the long-form census questionnaire dating back to 1981.

Access to Census Geography Products since 1981.

Access to Census of Agriculture since 1961.

Census of Population

Census Geography Products

Census of Agriculture

Last modified: June 7, 2017