Census of Population : 2016 | 2011 | 2006 | 2001 | 1996 | 1991 | 1986 | 1981 | 1971 | 1961 | 1851-1991 | 1665-1871
National Household Survey: 2011
Geography Products: 2016 | 2011 | 2006 | 2001 | 1996 | 1991 | 1986 | 1981 | 1971
Profiles by Dissemination Areas (DA) and Forward Sortation Areas (FSA) in Canada -
2001 Census of Population
Dissemination Areas (DA) :
- Age and sexStatistics Canada Catalogue No. 95f0486xcb01002
- Marital Status, common-law status, families, dwellings, households and collectivesStatistics Canada Catalogue No. 95f0487xcb01002
- Language, mobility and migrationStatistics Canada Catalogue No. 95f0488xcb01002
- Language characteristics Statistics Canada Catalogue No. 95f0494xcb01002
- Citizenship, immigration, birthplace ofparents, ethnic origin,visible minority and aboriginal peoplesStatistics Canada Catalogue No. 95f0489xcb01002
- Labour Force Activity, Class of Worker, Occupation, Industry, Place of Work, Mode of Transportation, Language of Work, and Unpaid Work
- Eastern CanadaStatistics Canada Catalogue No. 95F0490XCB01002
- OntarioStatistics Canada Catalogue No. 95F0490XCB01002
- Western Canada Statistics Canada Catalogue No. 95F0490XCB01002
- School attendance, education, field of study, highestlevel of schooling and earningsStatistics Canada Catalogue No. 95f0491xcb01002
- Religion, incomes of individuals, families, and households, social and economic characteristics of individuals, families and households, and housing costsStatistics Canada Catalogue No. 95f0492xcb01002
- Income of individuals, families and householdsand earningsStatistics Canada Catalogue No. 95f0493xcb01002
Forward Sortation Areas (FSA):
- Age and sexStatistics Canada Catalogue No. 95f0486xcb01003
- Marital Status, common-law status, families, dwellings, households and collectivesStatistics Canada Catalogue No. 95f0487xcb01003
- Language, mobility and migrationStatistics Canada Catalogue No. 95f0488xcb01003
- Language characteristicsStatistics Canada Catalogue No. 95f0494xcb01003
- Citizenship, immigration, birthplace ofparents, ethnic origin,visible minority and aboriginal peoplesStatistics Canada Catalogue No. 95f0489xcb01003
- Labour Force Activity, Class of Worker, Occupation, Industry, Place of Work, Mode of Transportation, Language of Work, and Unpaid WorkStatistics Canada Catalogue No. 95f0490xcb01003
- School attendance, education, field of study, highestlevel of schooling and earningsStatistics Canada Catalogue No. 95f0491xcb01003
- Religion, incomes of individuals, families, and households, social and economic characteristics of individuals, families and households, and housing costsStatistics Canada Catalogue No. 95f0492xcb01003
Last modified : January 10 2013