Census of Population : 2016 | 2011 | 2006 | 2001 | 1996 | 1991 | 1986 | 1981 | 1971 | 1961 | 1851-1991 | 1665-1871
National Household Survey: 2011
Geography Products: 2016 | 2011 | 2006 | 2001 | 1996 | 1991 | 1986 | 1981 | 1971
2006 Census of Population
- Documentation related to 2006 Census of Population is gathered on the following page:
- 2006 Census of Population - Documentation
Data 1
- Cumulative profiles2 for Quebec
- Cumulative profiles ( Canada, other provinces and territories)
- Topic-Based Tabulations 3
- Special interest profiles(Statistics Canada Web site)
- Aboriginal Population Profile, 2006 Census(Statistics Canada Web site)
Provides a specific statistical overview based on a number of variables and/or groups of variables for the Aboriginal identity population for various communities in Canada where the Aboriginal identity population is at least 250 persons. - Federal Electoral District (FED) Profile(Statistics Canada Web site)
Provides a statistical overview based on a number of variables and/or groups of variables for the 308 federal electoral districts (FEDs) within Canada (2003 Representation Order) - 2006 Community Profiles(Statistics Canada Web site)
Provides a statistical overview of all Canadian communities based on a number of variables and/or groups of variables. - Census Tract (CT) Profiles, 2006(Statistics Canada Web site)
Census tract (CT) profiles provide 2006 Census data for census tracts. Census tracts are small, relatively stable geographic areas that are located in census metropolitan areas (CMAs) and larger census agglomerations (CAs) and usually have a population of 2,500 to 8,000.. Search capabilities such as by postal code or by census tract name and a mapping application assist the user in finding a census tract of interest. A graphing capability enables the user to view the data using figures such as bar charts and/or pie charts. - Profile for Statistical Area Classification
Profile for Statistical Area Classification according to Urban and Rural Area and Census Metropolitan Area, Census Agglomeration Area Influenced Zones (MIZ). - Profiles of Abolished Limits Regarding for Subdivisions
Complete profile of all census subdivisions whose boundaries were abolished in 2001 to 2006 in part because municipal amalgamations
- Census Trends (Statistics Canada Web site)
2001 Provincial and Territorial Profiles. - Analysis series (Statistics Canada Web site)
Comprehensive analytical articles which supplement the day-of-release information launched through The Daily. - Population and Dwelling Count Highlight Tables, 2006 Census(Statistics Canada Web site)
Population and dwelling counts for various geographic levels. - Highlight Tables (Statistics Canada Web site)
Key indicators for various levels of geography. The tables allow users to perform simple rank and sort functions.
1 Data from 2006 Census of population are also available through E-STAT
2 Cumulative profiles are complete tables for all census geographic areas
3 Topic-based tabulations allow to cross variables for various geographic levels
Last modified : August 29, 2012