Census of Population: 2016 | 2011 | 2006 | 2001 | 1996 | 1991 | 1986 | 1981 | 1971 | 1961 | 1851-1991 | 1665-1871
National Household Survey: 2011
Geography Products:
2011 | 2006 | 2001 | 1996 | 1991 | 1986 | 1981 | 1971
Boundary Files - Canada -
2011 Census of Population
2013 CSD: Please note that the 2013 Census Subdivision Boundary File does not replace the 2011 Census Subdivision Boundary File to used in conjunction with products and services from the 2011 Census.
- Reference Guides:
- Boundary Files (Statistics Canada Catalogue No. 92-160-G)
- Census Subdivision Boundary File (2010)(Statistics Canada Catalogue No. 92-162-G)
- Census Subdivision Boundary File (2013)(Statistics Canada Catalogue No. 92-162-G)
Last modified : May 7, 2015