Census of Population : 2016 | 2011 | 2006 | 2001 | 1996 | 1991 | 1986 | 1981 | 1971 | 1961 | 1851-1991 | 1665-1871
National Household Survey: 2011
Geography Products: 2016 | 2011 | 2006 | 2001 | 1996 | 1991 | 1986 | 1981 | 1971
Cumulative and Thematic Profiles-
2001 Census of Population
- Cumulative Profile Files
- Cumulative Profiles - Canada, Provinces and Territoires
The Cumulative Profile files collect together all the 20 standard themes, presenting them for each of the major administrative areas: Canada as a whole, as well as each province and territory, at each lower levels of geopgraphy, including Dissemination Area (DA) and Forward Sortation Areas (FSA)
- Cumulative Profiles - Canada, Provinces and Territoires
- Thematic Profiles
- Profiles by Dissemination Areas (DA) and Forward Sortation Areas (FSA) in Canada Profiles collecting together various themes available for the smallest levels of geography
- Profiles by themes available for Canada, provinces, territories, census division, census sub-division, census metropolitan area, census agglomerations - subdivised into census division, federal electoral district, designated places and urban areas(Statistics Canada Web site)
Thematic profiles for the following themes: Age and Sex - Marital Status, common-law status, families, dwellings and households - Language, mobility and migration - Citizenship, immigration, birthplace, generation status, ethnic origin, visible minorities and Aboriginal peoples - Labour force activity, class of worker, occupation, industry, place of work, mode of transportation, language of work and unpaid work - School attendance, education, field of study, highest level of schooling and earnings - Income of individuals, Families and Households, Social and Economic Characteristics of Indivisuals, Families and Households, Housing Costs and Religion - Census Division (CD) and Census Subdivision (CSD) profiles for the province of Quebec
Profiles for Quebec MRC and municipalities by thematic subsets - Census Metropilitan Area (CMA) and Census Agglomeration (CA) profiles for the province of Quebec
Profiles for small levels of geography (Census Tract) within Quebec urban regions by thematic subsets
Last modified : July 23 2007